Hassan Melehy
author, critic, translator
“Spaces of the State: Montaigne and a Few Others.” Visions of Space. Ed. Dorothea Heitsch and Jeremie C. Korta. Chapel Hill, NC: North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures, 2021. 363–384.
“The Right-Wing ‘Renewal’ of Higher Education in North Carolina.” Academe Blog. June 3, 2021.
“Teaching Kerouac’s Bilingualism.” The Beats: A Teaching Companion. Ed. Nancy Grace. Liverpool/Clemson, SC: Liverpool University Press/Clemson University Press, 2021. 199–210.
Review of Steven Belletto, A Literary History of the Beats, ASAP/J, January 2021.
“On Campus with the Coronavirus: How Safe?” Chapelboro.com. June 26, 2020.
“Off the Human Track: Montaigne, Deleuze, and the Materialization of Philosophy.” Early Modern Ecologies. Ed. Phillip John Usher and Pauline Goul. Amsterdam University Press, 2020. 23¬–47.
“Cyborg.” The Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory. Ed. Jeffrey R. Di Leo. New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. 433–35.
“Godard Gets the Blues: Movies, Music, and Baraka.” L’Esprit Créateur vol. 58, no. 4 (Winter 2018): 64–82.
“Jack Kerouac and Translingual Literature.” The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. March 2017.
“Student Safety at Carolina, Present and Future.” The Daily Tar Heel, November 30, 2016.
“Deleuze, Kerouac, Fascism, and Death.” Dead Theory: Derrida, Death, and the Afterlife of Theory. Ed. Jeffrey R. Di Leo. New York: Bloomsbury, 2016. 191–204.
“Literatures of Exile and Return: Jack Kerouac and Quebec.” American Literature 84.3 (September 2012): 589–615.
“Curriculum for Sale?” Academe, May-June 2012, 22-27.
“Film Fable.” Jacques Rancière: Key Concepts. Ed. Jean-Philippe Déranty. Durham, UK: Acumen Press, 2010. 171–84.
“Visions of Paul.” Paul Assimacopoulos. The Brazilian Sisters: A Spectacle for One. New York: Strangers Gate, 2009. vi-viii.
Click here for Hassan Melehy's translations.